Veterinary Non Surgical

Ear Marking Pliers Ohrmarkierungszange Pinces pour marquage des oreilles Pinza per marcare le orecchie Shchiptsy dlya markirovki ushey

15.5 cm U-shaped and v-shaped durable ear plier, stainless steel Ear marking pliers AMV40-100-15

18 cm U-shaped and v-shaped durable ear plier, stainless steel Ear marking pliers AMV40-101-18

Ear tag plier AMV40-102-15

Ear notcher AMV40-103-18

Ear notcher AMV40-104-15

15 cm Ear notcher large v-shpae, stainless steel and long life

18 cm v-shaped durable ear plier, stainless steel

15 cm v-shaped durable ear plier, stainless steel


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