Veterinary Non Surgical

Horse Bits Pferdegebisse Mors de cheval Morsi di cavallo Bity dlya loshadey

Veterinary Instruments Veterinärmedizinische Instrumente Instruments vétérinaires Strumenti veterinari Veterinarnyye instrumenty

Hollow Bit AMV43-100-12

slow twist snaffle AMV43-101-12

12.5 cm stainless steel with twisted copper wire mouth full cheek snaffle AMV43-102-12

12.5 cm stainless steel

12.5 cm stainless steel

Full cheek snaffle bit AMV43-103-12

Thum snaffle AMV43-104-12

Horse bits AMV43-105-13

12.5 cm with ported mouth, stainless steel

12.5 cm stainless steel jointed bit

13 cm stainless steel


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