Fore Court June2017

Article Headline/Title Goes Here! The 4-Week Rul Treat Tennis Elbow Quickly for Best Results

Coach and health fitness expert Lindsay Matthews is no stranger to tendinitis in the elbow. This condition is commonly referred to as “golfer’s elbow” when the muscles affected are on the inside of the forearm, or “tennis elbow” when the muscles are on the outside. Writing for, she says the first thing she finds out is how long the symptoms have persisted. “Generally, if the symptoms have been around less than four weeks, the quicker it will go away.” In most cases rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers will do the trick. If the athlete takes it easy for a few weeks and waits for the symptoms to subside, they can often return to a full range of pain-free motion and their normal fitness regimen within the month. If the condition persists for more than a month, “serious intervention is needed,” says Matthews. This is the four-week rule. Continued pain after four weeks could mean several things. First, it could just mean the athlete has tried to push through the pain and ended up with more serious tendinitis. But it could also be symptomatic of another issue — tendinitis in the elbow presents with the same symptoms as other, more serious conditions. Many athletes have gone in to the doctor with a case of chronic tennis elbow and walked out with a diagnosis for a broken bone!

Whether you’re dealing with temporary tendinitis, chronic tennis or golfer’s elbow, or another issue altogether, see a doctor if the symptoms don’t improve after a few weeks of rest.

Sensational Summer Salad

Have a Laugh!

It’s officially the season of salads, and fruit salads are summer’s specialty! Enjoy this tasty dish as a side or main course. For some added protein, toss in a handful of slivered almonds or chopped pecans.


• 2 tablespoons lemon juice • 1 tablespoon maple syrup • 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

• 1 pound strawberries, thinly sliced • 3 medium peaches, thinly sliced • 1 cup blueberries • 1 heaping tablespoon fresh basil or mint, chopped


1. In a medium serving bowl, combine the strawberries, peaches, blueberries, and basil. 2. Drizzle lemon juice, maple syrup, and balsamic vinegar on top. 3. Gently toss to combine. 4. Serve immediately, or chill for later.

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