Premier Flooring Retailer | D3 | 2024

representatives always look professional in their appearance. Yet I have seen supervisors come to work early in the day in casual clothing with an excuse such as “I’m playing in a golf tournament this afternoon.” Ask yourself: would you let a staff member come to work in his bowling shirt because “we have a big match after work.” Or what would your response be if a staff member wore their softball uniform to work because “tonight’s the big game!” While this may seem ridiculous to you – your staff isn’t going to see why you can bend standards to suit yourself while they cannot. When you are at work, you should dress and act accordingly. Then when it’s time to play, enjoy yourself and play hard! While it is impossible to be relaxed and jovial at all times, I see far too many managers that seem to think that having a harried, worried look on their face seems to give them some sort of added authority or sense of importance. Why anyone would buy into this form of behavior mystifies me. I guess that they must like managing harried, worried looking employees. I doubt that there are too many customers that just can’t wait to shop at this

store! There is an old rural saying that “a nervous hen has nervous chicks.” Do your best to lighten the mood at work. Others do not need, or care, to share in your burdens. Any intelligent staff member will recognize that you have problems to deal with. They will respect you far more if they observe you dealing with them in a competent, systematic way than if you are constantly reminding them of how much harder your job is than theirs. We are not surgeons. No one is going to die from one of our mistakes. Lighten up and enjoy the new found smiles that you will find around you. Each day start thinking about how your behavior affects others before you walk in the door. Because your staff mirrors your actions, it will make you walk in differently. When you improve your attitude, you will see a positive change almost immediately, as your behaviors have a dramatic impact on how everyone’s day progresses.

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