Premier Flooring Retailer | D3 | 2024

FLOOR Education

W hen talking to vendors new to fcB2B, the two questions that come up often are what is fcB2B and why is it important to my customers. The first question is easy to answer. fcB2B or Floor Covering Business to Business, is a set of flooring industry specifications that allows the entire industry to conduct business electronically. The non-technical answer is that fcB2B provides a common language allowing everyone in the flooring industry to exchange information. The specifications are a subset of the X12 standard which are used in every industry within the United States. There are a lot of companies that use EDI but it’s specific to the company, like the big box retailers. The flooring industry is unique in that a common language has been created and made available to all. A quote attributed to Connie Morella summed it up well “Standards are like toothbrushes. Everybody wants one but nobody wants to use anybody else’s.” fcB2B is one standard that everyone in the flooring industry wants to use. STANDARDS are like TOOTHBRUSHES

Lewis Davis Senior Director of Technology and Research

“ fcB2B

provides a common language that allows everyone in the flooring industry to exchange information.”

24 Premier Flooring Retailer D3 | 2024

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