Premier Flooring Retailer | D3 | 2024

S elling to Generation Z isn’t just about tapping into a market; it’s about understanding a generation deeply rooted in digital culture and conscious consumerism. They care about the environment, what they eat, what they buy, and what happens to the world. Generation Z, also known as “digital natives,” is the first generation to grow up entirely shaped by technology, influencing their consumer behavior. They were born into an already online world. There were no conflicts between flip phones and smartphones; the digital ecosystem was already in place. For this generation, the web is a starting point, an intrinsic part of their everyday lives. With technology playing such an omnipresent role, Gen Z’s expectations for the digital world far exceed those of any previous generation. UNDERSTANDING and SELLING TO GENERATION Z: A Guide for Businesses


Lis Calandrino Flooring Specialist and Associate Publisher and Director of Social Media for Fabulous Floors Magazine

Premier Flooring Retailer D3 | 2024 31

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