العدد 5 – يناير/كانون الثاني 2025

ضـد المحتـوى الـذي يفتقـر إلـى شـبكة نفـوذ تسـمح بفرضـه على منصـات التواصـل الاجتماعـي، مثـل المحتـوى الرقمـي الفلسـطيني. شـبكات التواصـل الاجتماعـي، الـرأي العـام العالـمي، المحتـوى كلمـات مفتاحيـة: الرقمـي الفلسـطيني، الإبـادة الرقميـة. Abstract: The study examines the policies and practices adopted by social media networks to control global public opinion by targeting specific digital content, preventing its publication and sharing across all digital platforms, and attempting to destroy it either fully or partially. This process is referred to as “digital genocide”. The research focuses on Palestinian content across these networks, analysing the methods used to restrict, suppress and combat it, as well as the mechanisms of its destruction during the Israeli war on Gaza from 7 October 2023 to September 2024, while also considering previous conflicts. The study employs a qualitative approach that allows for an in- depth exploration of the phenomenon, examining the factors influencing it, its causes and contexts, the relationships between its elements, and how they function. This methodology also helps in proposing an explanatory model for digital genocide, based on cognitive, legal, legislative, regulatory and technical measures aimed at destroying Palestinian content, which should ideally be shared through social media platforms as a public space for circulating Palestinian narratives that contribute to shaping global public opinion. The study concludes that social media networks offer a clear example of how dominance and compliance with international powers and networks of interests are concealed under the guise of objectivity, justice, transparency, freedom of expression, human rights and the protection of the public sphere from extremism, terrorism and hate speech. It asserts that the treatment of Palestinian digital content on these platforms has made it a target of digital genocide. Even when some content remains, it is rendered ineffective in shaping global public opinion. The study also highlights the dangers of artificial intelligence algorithms, which are effectively used to carry out digital genocide against content that lacks the necessary network of influence to impose its presence on social media platforms, such as Palestinian digital content. Keywords: Social Media Networks, Global Public Opinion, Palestinian Digital Content, Digital Genocide.

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