ض ـِل المبحوثــون مواجهــة ذلــك باعتمــاد المقاومــة الفلســطينية � الإســرائيلية، ويُُف جـًا مـن الإسـتراتيجيات الاتصاليـة الفعالـة التـي تجمـع بيـن الهجـوم الدعائـي � مزي المضـاد للدعايـة الإسـرائيلية والوضـوح لإبقـاء الـرأي العـام على اطلاع. بالإضافـة إلـى ضبـط الخطـاب الإعلامـي وتوجيهـه نحـو تحصيـن المجتمـع والتريـث في التعامـل ــمع مــصادر الدعاــية الإــسرائيلية. الدعايـة الإسـرائيلية، الحـرب النفسـية، الحـرب على غـزة، الـرأي كلمـات مفتاحيـة: الــعام الفلــسطيني. Abstract: This study explores Palestinian public opinion regarding Israeli propaganda discourse during the Gaza war, examining the aspects of psychological warfare and Israeli propaganda campaigns targeting the Palestinian population. It focuses on identifying the characteristics and key messages of this propaganda, as well as assessing the impact of psychological warfare on Palestinian public opinion, especially given the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza, along with the blockade, displacement and ethnic cleansing that have been occurring for over a year. The study falls under the category of descriptive research, which aims to examine the reality of events, track phenomena, positions and opinions, and analyse and interpret them. It employs a survey methodology to gather the views of a sample of 41 Palestinian respondents between 25 July 2024 and 16 October 2024, using an online questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. The results of the study reveal that far-right voices dominate Israeli propaganda, with calls for the “genocide of Gaza”, the elimination of Hamas, and labeling it with terms like “Daesh-ification” and “terrorism”. These extremist voices were supported by the Israeli military spokesperson unit, electronic committees affiliated with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and intelligence, and the Israeli propaganda machine known as “Hasbara”. The study sample expressed significant concern over the potential repercussions and effects of Israeli propaganda and psychological warfare on Palestinian public opinion. These concerns included the political discrediting of the resistance, the worsening economic situation, declining food security in Gaza, doubts about the legitimacy of the resistance, and the threat to community unity and public stability. On the other hand, the study sample also showed confidence in the ability of Palestinian resistance institutions to confront Israeli propaganda. The respondents preferred that the Palestinian resistance adopt a combination of effective communication strategies, which would include
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