
Emotional Intelligence on Generations Success in the workplace takes a lot more than education, book knowledge or experience. Organizations and the conscious, achievement- oriented managers needs a high rate of “emotional intelligence” to be successful. This study explores the question of emotional intelligence according to generations. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270904904_A_Research_about_Emotional_Intelligence_on_ Generations DEI Issue Type: Culture, Geographical Location, Language, Race Emotional Intelligence: Implications for Personal, Social, Academic, and Workplace Success This article presents an overview of the ability model of emotional intelligence and includes a discussion about how and why the concept became useful in both educational and workplace set-tings. We review the four underlying emotional abilities comprising emotional intelligence and the assessment tools that that have been developed to measure the construct. A primary goal is to provide a review of the research describing the correlates of emotional intelligence. We describe what is known about how emotionally intelligent people function both intra- and interpersonally and in both academic and workplace settings. URL: http://ei.yale.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/pub184_Brackett_Rivers_Salovey_2011_Compass- 1.pdf DEI Issue Type: Culture, Geographical Location, Language Ending Youth Homelessness Guidebook Series: Promising Program Models Ending Youth Homelessness: Overview of this Guidebook Series. This series of three guidebooks is designed for Continuum of Care (CoC) leadership and stakeholders to use as a direct, hands-on action plan in efforts to prevent and end youth homelessness, as they have been directed to ensure there is an effective and efficient system of care for all persons and households experiencing homelessness. The Guidebooks include suggested strategies, identification of promising practices, and considerations for CoCs and their partners that can be implemented immediately. URL: https://files.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/Ending-Youth-Homelessness-Promising-Program- Models.pdf DEI Issue Type: Socioeconomic Status

Ending Youth Homelessness: Promising Program Models This guidebook from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is designed for Continuum of Care (CoC) leaders and stakeholders to use as a direct, hands-on action plan in their efforts to prevent and end youth homelessness. It provides information about emerging program models in the


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