5. They want to talk business
You’ve heard it before, millennials love to see the bigger picture. They want to understand how the value they’re providing
on a daily basis when they come to work is contributing to some greater goal towards which the company is edging.
Companies need to involve millennials more in this bigger picture. Asking their opinion on how to improve the customer
experience, or what products you should be planning next not only makes them feel more included but also gives them
context for their work going forward. It’s as easy as setting up monthly focus groups or sending out a poll on what could be
done better.
6. They need the right manager
Traditional leaders are often “drivers”. They’re the fiery, results-oriented people who get things done but could potentially
derail millennial engagement efforts. Millennials grew up with no clear lines of authority. They grew up being praised and
heard. Reaching the workplace and facing different treatment could therefore be a tough adjustment for the common
Companies need to encourage the adoption of different management styles. This might mean less focus on purely getting
from A to B, and more on collaboration, communication and identifying the best way to reach B. Companies could even
introduce training courses for manager-level staff focusing on attributes valued by millennials such as being transparent,
good listeners, relationship-oriented and so on.
Employee engagement is of the utmost importance. If you need reminding,
here’s why:
Employee Satisfaction : Engaged employees are
invested in the success of their company and have a
relatively higher degree of commitment and loyalty.
Productivity: Engaged employees often become top
performers, as they are committed to “going the
extra mile” to achieve company success
Recruitment & Retention: Engaged employees
significantly lower the risk of employee turnover for
the company, meaning less money invested in
constantly recruiting new and trying to retain new staff
Innovation: Engaged employees bring an added
level of passion and interest to their job, which often
leads to increased innovation as a by-product
Profitability: Engaged employees are naturally more
productive and efficient, in turn positively affecting
the company’s bottom line
© 2017 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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