And finally, you learnt that millennials aren’t the only
Fast forward a year.
generation to worry about. Generation Z are just around the
corner, and by embedding the company in the minds of
That all-too familiar email hits your already swamped inbox.
schools, teachers, and parents, you’re finally getting a head
The subject, “Employee Satisfaction Survey Results”, still
start in priming these young stars and addressing future
gives you the chills. You tentatively hover the mouse over
skills shortages in technology.
the attachment, before opening with a small intake of breath.
The result? Employees are happy.
Change has been rife this year and, lo and behold, it shows.
Employees are happy.
The vast amount historically spent on replacing dissatisfied
workers with unmet needs, or wasted on failed attempts to
There has been a recognition that today’s workforce isn’t
attract millennial talent, is now sunk into better causes. HR’s
quite the traditional, homogenous cohort that it once used to
headache of constant recruitment and resignation has
be, and one size really doesn’t fit all . There has been a
dissipated. Clients are happier as they can now rely on a
genuine focus on embracing and capitalising on these
more consistent delivery team, and the company’s brand
differences to move towards a more harmonised,
image has never looked better. Employees are delivering
generationally diverse workforce.
faster, innovating more and producing higher quality as
As a business leader, this year was one of learning.
they’re voices are being heard. It sure is reflected in this
year’s bottom line profits.
You learnt that millennial workers are coaxed to the
workplace by a distinct set of perks. They really value
And last year’s low employee
culture, especially where sense of purpose is bestowed.
Trust is a huge thing for them. They want to be trusted with
satisfaction score is, quite
the flexibility to determine their own ways of working, and to
literally, a thing of the past.
be trusted to provide their opinions and views through open
communication channels. As for money? It’s no longer the
only item at the top of the list.
You learnt that once they’ve got the job, millennial workers
require quite particular offerings to keep them engaged and
enthused. They’re looking for support and guidance through
mentoring to reach that ultimate goal. Millennials love to see
the bigger picture in life and this is no change in the
Employee satisfaction
workplace. They want to be privy to this and have the ability
to provide their own unique insights.
You learnt that millennial workers, more so than any other
type, need to see particular incentives to make them stick
around. Seeing a transparent path for career progression is
critical, and this starts with offering them a stab at promotion
opportunities before approaching the external market.
Learning is also a must; a job becomes stagnant once
professional development plateaus.
You learnt that millennial workers aren’t the same. Females
and males demand and offer different things. Where females
seem to generally crave career progression, flexibility and
balance, their male colleagues are happier with a good
remuneration package complemented by enough career
advancement opportunities.
© 2017 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG
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