Meet the millennials


So who are they?

The term ‘millennial’ has been used increasingly of late. It is the topic of news articles, it is

mentioned on the radio, it is slowly edging its way into dinner table conversations.

But how many people really understand what a millennial is?

Baby Boomers

Gen X


Gen Z





The generation born in

The generation also

The generation reaching

The generation reaching

the post WW2 baby

known as Gen Bust

adulthood in the early

adulthood in the early

boom. Baby Boomers

because their birth rate

21st century. Also know

21st century. They are

enjoyed free student

was vastly lower than the

as Generation Y, they

also hailed as “the first

grants, low house prices

preceding Baby Boomers.

have been shaped by the

tribe of true digital

and they now hold the

Gen X are now becoming

technology revolution that

natives” or

reins of power and have

the “helicopter parents”

saw computers, tablets


the most economic clout.

of Gen Z.

and the web become

central to work and life.

Note: This is a guideline only, different definitions will quote slightly different time spans.

‘Millennials’ are broadly classified as individuals born between around mid-1980s to 2000 and are usually expected to have

reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st century. They are also commonly termed ‘Generation Y’, following their

predecessors ‘Generation X’.

Fun Facts:



The term millennial was coined by

Neil Howe and William Strauss,

author of the 1991 book

There are around 13.8

Generations: The History of

million people who make

America’s Future, 1584 to 2069 (3)

up Generation Y in the UK (5)


In Sweden they are called Generation Curling,

Generation Serious in Norway, and Generation John

Paul II in Poland. The Chinese call them ken lao zu ,

or ‘the generation that eats the old’, and the

Japanese termed them, nagara–zoku , ‘the people

who are always doing two things at once’ (4)

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