Meet the millennials


The Millennial DNA

As the name indicates, millennials grew up during the Millennium period, a time of

rapid change. Naturally events that took place during this period have shaped them,

giving them a unique set of priorities and expectations that differ from previous


Here are a few key things to know about them:

Curiosity made the

The job hoppers



On average, millennials stay within a

The World Wide Web was born,

given role for a maximum of three

ushering in the technology revolution.

Millennials need to know the reason

years. With the degree of networking,

As such, millennials are considered

for doing a task before they do it. As

peer-to-peer comparison and online

the ‘Digital Natives’ of the world;

the generation of immediate gains,

job search possibilities that are

history’s first ‘always connected’

they prefer to understand the value of

available today it’s not surprising to


doing something upfront. Why should

understand how quickly millennials

they invest their time in this task and

become hungry for the next

how does it fit into the bigger picture?


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