Meet the millennials


All-accepting and all-

Balance is everything

You don’t ask you don’t get


Generation X hoped for work life

Millennials are more confident when

balance, Generation Y simply demand

it comes to challenging the system.

Globalisation has quickened in pace.

it. If it’s possible for one, it’s possible

They are less afraid to ask questions,

The millennial generation has been

for all and with so much happening

make comparisons or question ‘the

exposed to far more cultures, people,

outside of their working lives it’s

norm’ of things. If they’re thinking

travel opportunities, information and

expected as a norm on any job

something, they’re most likely to

goods compared to previous


express it.

generations. Not only has this has

made them the most tolerant of

diversity, but also the most likely to

seek it — especially in the workplace.

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