The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 8 lusion to believe a lie. But if one is searching for the truth, no matter how completely he is in the fog to-day, he can be led into the truth. I believe the Bible to be the Word of God, first of all, because of the testimony of Jesus Christ to that fact. We live in a day in which many men say that they accept the teaching of Jesus Christ, but that they do not accept the teaching of the whole Bible; that they believe what Jesus Christ says, but as to what Moses said, or is said to have said, and what Isaiah said, or is said to have said, and what Jeremiah said, and Paul said, and John said, and the rest of the Bible writers, they do not know about that. This position may at the first glance seem rational, but, in point of £act, it is utterly irra­ tional. If we accept the teaching of Jesus Christ, we must accept the whole Bible, for Jesus Christ has set His stamp of His authority upon the entire Book, and if we accept His au­ thority, we must accept all that upon which He sets the stamp of His authority. As to Christ's endorsement of the Old Testa­ ment, turn first of all to Mark vii. 13. Jesus has just quoted from the Law of Moses, not merely from the Ten Commandments, but from other portions of the Law of Moses as well. He has set over against the teaching of the Law of Moses the traditions of the Pharisees and Scribes, and in this verse He says, You do make

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