WHY I .BELIEVE THE .BIBLE 5 quoted in proof of a point which He is making from one of the Psalms, and adds, " The Scrip ture cannot be broken," thus setting the stamp of His authority upon the absolute irrefragability of the Old Testament Scriptures. Turn again to Luke xxiv. 27, and you will read that Jesus, " Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, ex pounded unto them s"n all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself "; and in the 44th verse He says, " All things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms." Now every scholar knows that the Jews divided their Bible (our present Old Testament Scriptures) into three parts: the law (the first five books of the Old Testament); the prophets (most of the books which we call prophetic, and some of those which we call historical); and the remaining books of the Old Testament, the Psalms or Sacred Writings. Jesus Christ takes up each one of these three recognized divisions of these Old Testament Scriptures and sets the stamp of His authority upon each of them. If, then we accept the authority of Jesus Christ, we are driven logically to accept the entire Old Testa"7 ment Scriptures. In Luke xvi. 31 Jesus says, " If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be per suaded though one be raised from the dead," thus in the most emphatic way indorsing the truth of the Old Testament Scriptures.
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