6 TALKS TO MEN In John v. 47 He says, "If ye believe not his [Moses'] writings, how shall ye believe :rvry words? " thus setting the &tamp of His authority upon the teaching of Moses as being as truly from God as was His own. V\ 7 e must then, if we accept the authority of Jesus Christ, accept the entire Old Testament. But how about the New Testament? Did Jesus set the stamp of His authority ~on it also? He did. But how could He when not a book of the New Testament was written when He de parted from this earth? By way of anticipation. Tum to John xiv. 26 and you will hear Jesus saying, "The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you," thus setting the stamp of His au thority, not only upon the Apostolic teaching as given by the Holy Ghost, but upon the Apostolic recollection of what He Himself had taught. The question is often asked, " How do we know that in the Gospel records we have an accurate reproduction of the teaching of Jesus Christ? " It is asked, "Did the Apostles take notes at the time of what Jesus said? " There is reason to believe that they did, that Matthew and Peter, from whom Mark derived his material, and James (from whom, there is reason to believe, Luke obtained much of his material) took notes of what Jesus said in Aramaic, and that John
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