8 TALKS TO MEN which they usually mean," We do not care what Paul taught, or what John taught, or what James taught, or what Jude taught. We do not know about them. Let us go back to Christ, the original source of authority, and accept what He taught, and that alone." Very well, ., Back to Christ." The cry is not a bad one, but when you get back to Christ, you hear Christ Him self saying, " On to the Apostles. They have more truth to teach than I have taught. The Holy Spirit has taught them all the truth. Listen to them.'' If then we accept the authority of Jesus Christ, we are driven to accept the au thority of the entire New Testament. So then if we accept the teaching of Jesus Christ, we must accept the entire Old Testament aml the entire l..:J"ew Testament. It is either Christ and the whole Bible, or no Bible and no Christ. There are some in these days who say that they believe in Christ, but not in the Christ of the New Testament. But there is no Christ but the Christ of the New Testament. Any other Christ than the Christ of the New Testament is a pure figment of the imagination. Any other Christ than the Christ of the New Testament is an idol made by man's own fancy, and whoever worships him is an idolator. But we must accept the authority of Jesus Christ. He is accredited to us by :five unmistakable divine testimonies. First, by the testimony of the divine life that
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