TALKS TO J\.IEN that the character and the teaching set forth in the Gospels are inextricably interwoven with the stories of the miracles. He will find that if you eliminate the miracles, the character and the teaching disappear, that the character and the teachings cannot• be separated from the mirac ulous element without a violence of treatment that no reasonable man will permit. To-day this much at least is proven, that Jesus lived and wrought substantially as is reconled in the four Gospel records of His life. Personally, I be lieve that more than this is proven, but this is enough for our present purpose. If Jesus lived and wrought substantially as the Gospels record, cleansing the lepers, opening the eyes of the blind, raising the dead, stilling the tempest with His word, feeding the 5000 with the five small loaves and the two small fishes, then He bears unmistakable credentials as a Teacher sent and indorsed by God. Fourth, Jesus Christ is also accredited to us in the fourth place by His divine influence upon all subsequent history. Jesus Christ was be yond peradventure one of three things: He was either the son of God in a unique sense,-a divine Person incarnate in human form,-or else He was the most daring impostor that ever lived, or else one of the most hopeless lunatics. That He claimed to be the Son of God in a unique sense, and that all men should honor Him even as they honored the Father (John v. 23), and that He
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