The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE lo hear much about the beauty of the life of some of this school of critics. We have no desire to deny the claim, but against the beauty of their lives we put the life of Jesus. Which suffers by the com­ parison? If there is any force in the argument, " If a man's life is in the right, his doctrine can­ not be in the wrong "-and there is force in the argument-it bears immeasurably more for the authority of Jesus Christ than it does for the authority of any critic or school of critics. Second, Jesus presents the credential of the divine words that He spoke. What have they to put up against that? The words of Jesus Christ have stood the test of eighteen centuries, and shine out with greater luster and glory to-day than ever. What school of criticism has ever stood the test of eighteen years? If one has to choose between the teaching of Christ and that of any school of criticism, it will not take any thoroughly sane man long to choose. Third, Jesus Christ presents His third creden­ tial, the divine works that He wrought, the un­ mistakable seal of God upon His claims. What has this school of criticism to put up against that? Absolutely nothing. · It has no miracles but miracles of literary ingenuity in the attempt to make the preposterous appear historical. Fourth, Jesus Christ presents the credential of His influence upon human history. We all know what the influence of Jesus Christ has been, how benign and how divine. Everything

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