TALKS TO MEN that is best in modern civilization, everything that is best in national, domestic, and individual life, is due to the influence of Jesus Christ. Alas I we also know the influence of this school of criticism. Vl e know that it is weakening the power of ministers and Christian workers every where. We know that it is emptying churches. \Ve know that it is depleting missionary treas uries. We know that it is paralyzing missionary effort in every field where it has gone. I know this by personal observation, and not by hearsay. This may not be their intention. With some of them it is not their intention, but none the less it is a fact. The influence of Jesus has been thoroughly beneficent. The influence of this school of criticism is utterly bad. Fifth, Jesus presents His fifth credential, His resurrection from the dead. What has tbis school of criticism to set up over against that? Nothing whatever. Jesus Christ estab lishes His claim. The opposing school of criti cism stands dumb. Therefore we refuse to bow to the assumed and unsubstantiated authority and infallibility of any school of criticism, of any priest, or pope, or theological professor, but most gladly do we bow to the authority and infallibility of Jesus Christ, so completely proven, and upon His authority accept the entire Old Testament and the entire New Testament as the Word of God.
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