TWO MORE REASONS WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE TO BE THE WORD OF GOD IN the address of yesterday, we saw that if we accepted the authority of Jesus Christ we must accept the entire Old Testament aod the entire New Testament, because He set the stamp of His authority on both; that it was either Christ and the whole Bible, or no Bible and no Christ. We saw, in the second place, that we must ac cept the authority of Jesus Christ because He was accredited to us by five unmistakably divine testimonies. First, the testimony of the divine life that he lived. Second, the testimony of the divine words that he spoke. Third, the testi mony of the divine works that He wrought. Fourth, the testimony of His divine influence upon all subsequent history. Fifth, the testi mony of His resurrection from the dead. We saw, in the next place, that there was a school of criticism that assumed to set its au thority up against that of Jes11s Christ, that this school of criticism demanded that we should give up the infallibility of Christ and the Scriptures, and accept in the place of them the infallibility of this school of criticism. Before yielding to 1'1
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