The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

18 TALKS TO MEN their demand, we demanded their credentials. We saw that Jesus presented His credentials, which were convincing, but that this school of criticism had absolutely no credentials to present over against those of Jesus Christ. Therefore we refused to bow to their claim of authority and infallibility, but most gladly bowed to the fully proven authority and infallibility of Jesus Christ. My second reason for believing the Bible to be the Word of God is because of its fulfilled prophecies. The average infidel knows abso­ lutely nothing about fulfilled prophecy, and this is not to be wondered at, for the average Chris­ tian knows nothing about fulfilled prophecy, and even the average preacher knows practically nothing about fulfilled prophecy. The sub­ ject of prophecy is a large one, and to go into it thoroughly would take many days, but it tan be presented in outline in a few moments with sufficient fullness to show the overwhelm­ ing weight of the argument. There are in the iBible two kinds of prophecy: first, the explicit ;verbal prophecies, and second, the prophecies of the types and symbols. We will take up first the explicit verbal proph­ ~cies. These are of three kinds; first, prophe­ cies regarding the corning Messiah ; second, prophecies regarding the Jewish people ; third, prophecies regarding the Gentile nations. We will limit ourselves this morning to prophecies

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