The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

Dr. Reuben Archer Torrey

Reuben Archer Torrey, the son ofa banker, was born in New Jersey onjanuary 28, 1856. He entered Yale College at age 15 intending to become an attorney. After three years ofworldly involvement, he trusted Christ as his Savior and decided to enter the ministry. In 1875, he graduated with honors and that Fall entered the Yale Divinity School where he distinguished himself by \\rinning the Hebrew Award. In Torrey's senior year, D.L. J\Ioody, the great evangelist, spoke in chapel. Moody, unimpressed with Torrey's scholarly achievement, advised him: ''Young man, you'd better get to work for the Lord." Swallowing his pride, Torrey asked J\.foody to teach him how to lead someone to Christ. After giving Torrey and a few of his fellow students several verses of Scripture, !\foody charged, "Now gentlemen, go at it." Torrey did, leading to Christ a young lady whom he used to meet in the ballroom. That experience transformed his attitude toward the ministry. Torrey's conversion did not settle all his doubts, however. He was especially troubled by the Bible's account of the resurrection ofChrist. Could he really believe it? Torrey studied the evidence carefully, and found it overwhelming. There was no doubt that Christ had risen from the dead. "That conclusion, 11 he recalled, "carried everything with it that was essential. 11

After graduation from seminary, Torrey was ordained by the Congregational Church and served as pastor ofa

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