The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …


TALKS TO MEN them into the attempt to show that it was not Messianic. Furthermore, the desperate straits to which those who deny its Messianic applica­ tion are driven show the hopelessness of their case. When asked who the suffering One of Isaiah liii. is, if He is not the Messiah, the best answer they can get is that it refers to suffering Israel; but anyone who will carefully read the passage will see that this interpretation is im­ possible. The sufferer of Isaiah liii. is repre­ sented as suffering for the sins of others than Himself, and those for whom He is suffering are represented as "My people," that is, Israel (verse 8). Now, if the sufferer is suffering for sins of others than Himself, and the others than Himself for whom He is suffering are Israel, then surely the sufferer Himself cannot be Israel. You can bring the prophecies citied down to the very latest date to which the most daring destructive critic ever thought of assigning them, and still they are hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. How are we going to account for it, that this Book has the power of looking into the future hundreds of years and predicting with most minute precision things to come to pass then, and that these predictions are fulfilled to the very letter? Facts demanding accounting for. You are business men-theolo­ gians may weave their theories out of their own inner consciousness without regard to facts, but

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