The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 23 how much of the Old Testament is prophetical, he will tell you that the entire book is propheti­ cal, that its history is prophetical, that its per­ sonages are prophetical, that its institutions, ceremonies, offerings, and feasts are prophetical. If you are incredulous ( as you have a right to be until you have investigated, but you have no right to remain incredulous unless you do in­ vestigate), but will take time, he will sit down and take you through the whole Book from the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Malachi, and will show you everywhere unmis­ takable foresbadowings of things to come. He will show you in the lives of Abraha_m, Isaac, Joseph, David, and Solomon unquestionable foreshadowings of the truth regarding Christ. He will show you in every sacrifice and offering, in every feast, in every institution, in the taber­ nacle, and in every part of the tabernacle, its outer court, Holy Place and Most Holy Place, brazen altar, golden candlestick, table of shew bread, golden altar of incense, the veil that hung between the Holy Place_ and Most Holy Place, ark of the convenant, in its boards, bars, sockets and tenons, and the very coverings of the taber­ nacle, the clearest setting forth of every truth about Christ-His Person, His nature, His char­ acter, His atoning death, His resurrection, His ascension and coming again, and of all the facts of Jewish and Christian history. He will show you every profoundest truth which :was to be

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