TALKS TO MEN fully revealed in the New Testament prefigured in the types and symbols of the Old Testament. At first, this very likely will seem to you like a mere happy coincidence, but as you go on verse after verse, chapter after chapter, book after book, if you are a fair-minded man, you will at last be overwhelmingly convinced that this was the thought and intention of the real author; and as you see in this ancient history, and in this legislation ordained to meet the immediate needs of the people, the setting forth of all the pro foundest truths of Christian doctrine, and the perfect foreshadowing of all the facts of the his tory of Christ, the Jewish people and the Church, you will be driven to recognize in it tl)e mind and wisdom of God. The modem critical theo ries regarding the construction of Exodus, Le viticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy go all to pieces when considered in the light of the mean ing of the types of the Old Testament. I have never known a destructive critic that knew any thing to speak of regarding the types. One can not study them thoroughly without being pro foundly convinced that the real author of the Old Testament, back of the human authors, is God. My third reason for believing the Bible to be the Word of God is because of the unity of the Book. This is an old argument, but a good one. The Bible is composed, as I suppose you lmow, of sixty-six parts or books. It is oftentimes said
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