The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE !!5 that the Bible is not a book, but a library. This is partly true, partly false. It is true the Bible is a library, but at the same time it is the most intensely one book of any book extant. The sixty-six books which compose the Bible were written by at least forty different authors. They were written in three different languages, He­ brew, Aramaic, and Greek. The period of their composition extends over at least 1500 years. They were written in countries hundreds of miles apart. They were written by men upon every plane of political and social life, from the king upon the throne down to the and shep­ herd and fisherman and the petty politician. They display every form of literary structure. In the Bible we find all kinds of poetry, epic poetry, lyric poetry, didactic poetry, erotic poetry -elegy and rhapsody. We find all kinds of prose as well-historic prose, didactic prose, theological treatise, epistle, proverb, parable, allegory, and oration. · In a book so composite, made up of such divergent parts, composed at such remote periods of time, and under such diverse circumstances, what would we naturally expect? Variance and discord, utter lack of unity. In point of fact, what do we find? The most marvellous unity. Every part of the Bible fits every other part of the Bible-one ever­ increasing, ever-growing thought pervades the whole. The character of this unity is most significant.

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