The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

TALKS TO MEN It is not a superficial unity, but a profound unity. On the surface, we often find. apparent discrep-, ancy and disagreement, but, as we study, the apparent discrepancy and disagreement disap­ pear, and the deep underlying unity appears. The more deeply we study, the more complete do we find the unity to be. The unity is also an organic one-that is, it is not the unity of a dead thing, like a stone, but of a living thing, like a plant. In the early books of the Bible we have the germinant thought; as we go on we have the plant, and further on the bud, and then the blossom, and then the ripened fruit. In Revelation we find the ripened fruit of Genesis. How are we to account for it? Herc is an­ other fact that demands accounting for, and as business men you have to deal with facts, not theories ; realities, and not fine-spun speculations of cloistered theologians, dreaming apart from the substantial realities of life. There is one easy and simple way of accounting for it, and only one rational way of accounting for it at all, and that is, that. back of the forty or more human authors was the One all-governing, aII­ controlling, all-superintending, all-shaping mind of God. Suppose it were proposed to build in our capi­ tal city in America, Washington, a temple that should represent the stone products of every State in the Union. The stones were to come

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