TALKS TO MEN one stone too many and not one stone too few, not one stone left over, and no niche or corner where one stone is lacking, and yet every stone hewn into its final shape in the quarry from which it was taken. How would you account for it? There is one very simple way to account for it. and only one to account for it at all, namely, that back of the individual quarrymen was the master architect who planned the whole building from the beginning and gave to each individual quarryman his specifications for the work. Now this is precisely what we find in that temple of eternal truth which we call the Bible, the stones for which were quarried in places remote from one another by hundreds of miles, and at periods of time I 500 years apart; stones of all conceivable sizes and shapes, and yet every stone fitting into its place and fitting every other stone, until when the Book is finishe~ there rises before you this matchless temple of God's truth, perfect in every outline and every detail ; not one stone too many and not one stone too few, and yet every stone cut into its final shape in the quarry from which it was taken. How are you to account for it? There is but one rational way to account for it, and that is, that back of the human hands that wrought was the master-mind of God that thought and gave to each individual workman his specifications for the work. You can't get around it and be honest and fair.
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