The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

80 TALKS TO MEN for believing the Bible to be the Word of God was because of the unity of the Book. We saw that though the Bible was composed of sixty-six books, written by at least forty human authors, the period of their composition extending over at least 1500 years, and displaying every form of literary structure, that there was one all-per• vading thought and purpose through the entire Book, that every part of the Book fitted into every other part, and that the Bible was the most thoroughly one Book of any book extant, and that the only way of accounting for this undenia­ ble and remarkable phenomenon was that back of the many human authors was the one all­ governing, all-controlling, all-superintending, all-shaping mind of God. My °'"urth reason for believing the Bible to be the Word of God is because of the immeasurable superiority of its teachings to those of any other or all other books. It was quite the fashion when I was studying in theological halls to compare the teachings of the Bible with those of ethnic seers and philosophers, with the teachings of Socrates, Plato, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Epictetus, Isocrates, Seneca, Buddha, Zoroaster, Con­ fucius, Mencius, and Mohammed. This is get­ ting to be the fashion again. Anyone who in­ stitutes such a comparison and puts the Bible in the same class with ,·hese other teachers must be either ignorant of the teachings of the Bible or of the teachings of these ethnic seers at:\d philoso--

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