The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

TALKS TO MEN mirably the duty of children to parents?" He did, but they forget to tell us that Confucius also taught that it was right to tell lies on occasion, and unblushingly tells us that he himself prac­ tised lying on occasions. And there is perhaps nothing in which his most devoted followers, the Chinese, have followed so closely in the foot­ steps of their great master as in this matter of lying. The Chinese have reduced lying to a fine art, and a typical Chinaman will tell anything "to save his face.'' The second point of difference is that these other writings contain part of the truth, while the Bible contains all the truth. There is not a sin­ gle known truth on moral or spiritual subjects that cannot be found within the covers of the Bible. This is a most remarkable fact-the Bible is an old Book, and yet man in all his think­ ing before and since the Bible was written has not discovered one single truth on moral or spir­ itual subjects that cannot be found in substance within the covers of the Bible. In other words, if all other books were destroyed and the Bible left, we would suffer no essential loss on moral and spiritual subjects, but if the Bible were de­ stroyed and all other books left, the loss would be irreparable. Why is this, if the Bible is men's book as other books are men's books? Often­ times I have challenged anyone in my audiences to bring forward one single truth on moral or spiritual subjects that I coul<l not find within the

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