WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 58 Bible,-it is quite conceivable that someone should succeed in doing this, for I do not pretend to lmow everything that is in the Bible; I have on1y been studying it a little over a quarter of a century,-but no one has been able to do it yet. The third point of radical difference is this, that the Bible contains more truth than all other books put together. You can go to all literature, ancient and modern, the literature of ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient India, ancient Persia, and ancient China, and all modem liter ature as well, cull out of it all that is good, throw away all that is bad or worthless, bring together the result 0£ your labor into one book, and even then you will not have a book that will take the place of this one Book. .Why is it, if the Bible is men's book as other books are men's books, that in all the thousands of years of men's thin.k ing, in all the millions of books that they have produced, men have not been able, all of them put together, to produce so much of real and price less wisdom as is contained in this one Book? The answer is plain-other books are men's books, the Bible stands alone as God's Book. My fifth reason for believing the Bible to be the Word of God is because of the history of the Rook, its omnipotence against all men's attacks. What man has made, man can destroy. But eighteen centuries of most strenuous and deter mined assault have been unable to destroy or un dermine intelligent faith in the Bible. Scarcely
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