The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 85 still stands. At times all the great of earth have been against it and only an obscure remnant for it, but still the Bible has more than held its own. It has to-day a firmer hold upon the confidence and affection of the best and wisest men and women than it ever had before in the world's his­ tory. If the Bible had been man's book, it would have gone down and been forgotten centuries ago ; but because there is in this Book not only the hiding of God's wisdom, but the hiding of His power, it has wonderfully fulfilled the words of Jesus, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away." At times it has seemed to some, amid the deaf­ ening roar of the enemies' artilJery and the dense smoke of battle, as if the Bible must have gone down; but when the smoke has rolled up from the field of conflict this impregnable citadel of God's eternal truth has reared its lofty head heavenward, unscathed, without one stone dis­ lodged from foundation to highest parapet. Each new assault upon the Bible has simply served to illustrate anew the absolute omnipotence of this ('T()d-given Book. In a way, I rejoice in every new attack that is made upon the Bible. I trem­ ble for certain weak-minded men and women who are willing to swallow anything that they are assured is the consensus of the latest schol­ arship; but for the Bible itself I have no fears. A Book that has successfully withstood eighteen centuries of assault of the devil's heaviest artiJ-

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