The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

86 TALKS TO MEN lery is not going down before the air-guns of modem criticism. Sixth. My sixth reason for believing the Bible to be the Word of God is because of the influence of the Book, its power to lift men up to God. Every candid man must see and admit that there is a power in this Book to brighten and gladden and beautify and ennoble human lives, to lift men up to God, that no other book possesses. A stream can rise no higher than its source, and a Book that has a power to lift men up to God that no book possesses, must have come down from God in a way no other book has. In liter­ ally millions of cases this Book has demonstrated its power to reach down to men and women in the deepest depths of iniquity and degradation and lift them up, up, up, up, until they were :fit for a place beside the Christ upon the throne. I recall a ·man of brilliant parts, but stupefied and brutalized and demonized by drink, and this man was an agnostic. I urged him to accept the Bible and the Christ of the Bible, hut with a hollow laugh he sai<l: " I don't believe in your Bible or your Christ. I am an agnostic." But at last, sunken to the lowest depths of ruin, he threw his agnosticism to the winds and accepted this Book and the Christ of this Book, and by the power of this Book was transformed into one of the truest, noblest, humblest men I know. What other book could do it? This Book has power, not only to lift individuals, but nations

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