The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

88 TALKS TO MEN is living upon the plane that you are living, living so far from God, and knows God so little, doubts that the Bible is the Word of God, is a confirma­ tion of my own faith that it is." Do not misun­ derstand me. I do not mean by this that every man who professes to believe in the Bible is bet­ ter than every man who rejects the Bible; but what I do mean is this, show me a man who is liv­ ing a life of absolute surrender to God, living un­ der the control of the Spirit of God, living a life of devotion to the highest welfare of his fellow­ men, a life of humility and of prayer, and I will show you every time a man who believes the Bible to be God's Word. On the other hand, show me a man who denies or persistently ques­ tions whether the Bible is the Word of God, and I will show you a man that is leading either {mind you, I say "either," not "all") a life of greed for gold, or of lust, or of self-will, or of spiritual pride. I challenge any man to furnish me an exception. I have been looking for one literally around the world, and I have never found one. An attempt to furnish an exception has been made a number of times, but it is sim­ ply laughable to think of the men suggested as leading lives of "humility and prayer," or to think of them as not leading lives of " self-will." Anyone who has not surrendered absolutely to God is leading a life of " self-will." In other words, all who live nearest God and know God best are sure that the Bible is God's Word.

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