The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 89 Those who have most doubts about it are those who are living farthest from God and lmow God least. Which will you believe? Suppose that there were discovered in the city of Boston a manuscript which purported to be by Oliver Wendell Holmes, but that there was great dis­ cussion among the critics as to whether or not Oliver Wendell Holmes were the real author. Finally it was submitted to a committee of critics for decision, and it was discovered that all those critics who knew Oliver Wendell Holmes best, who lived in most intimate fellowship with him, who were most in sympathy with his thought, were absolutely unanimous in their declaration that the manuscript was by him, and that those who questioned it were those who knew Oliver Wendell Holmes the least, and had the least fel­ lowship with him, and were least in sympathy with his thought, which would you believe? That is a very simple question in literary criti­ cism, much simpler than that which our modem critics so confidently undertake to solve, namely, as to who may be the seven different authors of a single verse in a book written thousands of years ago, as is attempted in that monumental joke book of the nineteenth century, the Poly­ chrome Bible. Now this is the precise case with the Bible; all 'who live nearest God and lmow God best, all who are in most intimate fellowship with Him, are of absolutely one accord in say­ ing that the Bible is His work. Those who have

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