The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

40 TALKS TO MEN the most doubts about it are those who live far­ thest from Him and know God least. There is another significant fact, that the nearer men get to God, the more confident they become that the Bible is His Word. The far­ ther they drift from God, the more doubts enter their hearts. The following is a case of con­ stant occurrence, that a man who is a sinner and an unbeliever, by the mere fact of giving up his sin without further argument is delivered from his unbelief. Can anyone cite one single in­ stance of an opposite kind, where one was a sin­ ner and a believer, and by the fact of his giving up his sin lost his faith? Furthermore, how often does it occur that a man, who at one period was living a life of con­ secration, of nearness to God, and enjoyed a serene and undisturbed faith that the Bible was God's Word, begins to prosper in the things of this world, the love of money enters his heart, he drifts away, from the out-and-out separation of his life to God, and as he drifts from God he drifts into doubt and into lax views about the Bible. We see this to-day upon every hand­ men who are becoming lax in their morals also becoming lax in their doctrine. Broad morals and broad theology go hand in hand ; they are twin brothers. So tr.ue is this that oftentimes when men tell me that they are getting into <ioubt, I put to them the question, "What have you been doing? " Once, walking in a univer-

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