The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

TALKS TO MENi is, and order a glass of whisky straight, I would get it without a question or a look of surprise. It would be just what they would expect. The Bible and whisky don't go together. Infidelity; and whisky do go together. When I was in Belfast I made this remark, and at the close of the address a physician came to me laughing, and said : " We had yesterday an illustration of just what you said. After your afternoon Bible reading my mother went into a licensed grocer's to get a little brandy for a friend who was ill. She had her Bible in her hand, and, without thinking, was trying to put it into the bag that she carried. The clerk who was waiting upon her said: ' That is right, madam, hide it. The two d,m't go well together.• 11

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