The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 45 between the Bible and all other books : ( I) That other books contain truth, but truth mixed with error, but the Bible contained nothing but truth; (2) that other books contained part of the truth, but the Bible contained all the truth; (3) that the Bible contained more truth than all other books together. The fifth reason was because of the history of the Book, its omnipotence against all men's attacks. We saw that what man had produced man could destroy ; but that eighteen centuries of assault upon the Bible had utterly failed to destroy the Book, or to undermine con­ fidence in it. Our sixth reason for believing the Bible to be the Word of God was because of its power to lift men up to God. We saw that the Bible has a power to lift men up to God that no other book possesses, and must therefore have come down from God in a way no other book has. Our seventh reason for believing the Bible to be the Word of God was because of the character of those who accepted it as such and those who rejected it. We saw that with absolute unanim­ ity all the men and women whc{ lived nearest God, and knew God best, believed the Bible to be His Word, and that those who had the most doubts about it were those who lived farthest from God and knew God least. My eighth reason for believing the Bible to be the Word of God is because of the inexhaustible depth of the Book. What man has produced man can exhaust. But eighteen centuries of

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