The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

TALKS TO MEN 46 study on the part of tens of thousands of the ablest minds have been unable to exhaust the Bible. Many men of strongest intellect, of mar­ vellous powers of penetration, of.broadest cul­ ture, hav°e given a lifetime to the study of the Bible, and no man who has reaUy studied it has ever dreamed of saying that he had gotten to the bottom of the Book. Indeed, the more pro­ foundly one digs into the Book, the more clearly he sees that there are still unfathomable depths of wisdom beneath him in this inexhaustible mine of truth. Not only is this true of individuals, it is true also of generations of men. Thousands of men in co-operation with one another have delved into this mine, but, so far from exhaust­ ing it, there are still new treasures of truth awaiting each new student of the Word. New light is constantly breaking forth from the Word of God. How are we to account for this un­ questionable fact? The human mind has been progressing during these eighteen centuries-we have outgrown every other book that belongs to the past, but so far from outgrowing the Bible we have not yet grown up to it. The Bible is not only up to date, but always ahead of date. The best interpretation of the most recent events of our own day is found in this old Book. If this Book were man's book we would have fath­ omed it centuries ago, but the fact that it has proved itself unfathomable for eighteen cen­ turies is positive proof that in it are hidden the

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