The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 47 infinite treasures of the wisdom and knowledge of God. A brilliant Unitarian writer in Amer­ ica has given utterance to one of the keenest sentences that was ever spoken or written from the standpoint of the denial of the inspiration of the Bible. He says: •• How irreligious to accuse an infinite God with having put His whole wis­ dom in one so small a Book! " I submit that that is keen, but this writer did not see how the keen edge of his Damascus blade could be turned against himself. What a testimony to the di­ vine origin of this Book that such infinite wis­ dom can be packed in so small a compass 1 The Bible is not such a very large Book (I have a copy that I carry in my vest pocket), but yet in a Book that can be printed in so small a com­ pass there are packed away such treasures of wisdom that eighteen centuries of study by the world's best minds have been unable to exhaust it. How are we to account for it? There is no one but God who could pack such infinite treas­ ures of truth in so small a compass. My ninth reason for believing the Bible to oe the Word of God is because of the fact that as I grow in knowledge and in character, in wisdom and in holiness, I grow toward the Bible. The nearer I get to God the nearer I get to the Bible. When I began the real study of the Bible I had the same experience with it that every thought­ ful student has had in the beginning of his stud­ ies. I found things in the Bible that were diffi-

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