The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 49 forest before, and had conducted many a party through in safety, and had never led a single party astray. Under bis leadership I began my journey through the forest. V,l e got on very: nicely together for a ways, but after a time we came to a place where two roads diverged. The guide said to me : '' The path to the right is the right path to take." But my judgment and rea­ son passing upon the phenomena observable by the senses saw clear indication that the road to the left was the road to take. I say to the guide : " I know that you have been through this forest time and again; that you have conducted many a party through in safety, and I have great con­ fidence in your judgment upon that account, but in the present instance I believe you are wrong. My reason and judgment passing upon the phe­ nomena that I can observe by my senses see clear indications that the road to the left is the road to take. Now I have never been through this forest before, and you have, and I know that my reason and judgment are not infallible, but they are the best guide that I have, and I cannot throw them overboard. I must follow them." So I take the road to the left. I go about a mile and then come to an impassable morass, and have to go back and take the way the guide said. We get on well together again for a ways, but again we come to a place where two paths di­ verge. This time the guide says : " The road to the left is the road to take." But my reason and

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