The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

He gained a most enthusiastic reception on the part of the Institute faculty and student body. The King's Business, stated, "The coming ofDr. Torrey to our Bible Institute marks a new era in the progress of our work.... \Vhen we felt the need and commenced to pray for a dean, we asked ofthe Lord the best man available for such an important position, but we had not thought the Lord would give us the biggest as well as the best." Under his direction the Institute became widely known as a well-equipped, well-staffed and well-conducted Christian school. Torrey's vision for the Institute was to unite theory and practice in Christian activity in addition to specialized Biblical training. One ofDr. Torrey's noteworthy achievements was the adoption of a clear and concise Statement of Doctrine adopted by the Board ofDirectors, which is still the official statement of Doctrine held by Biola University.

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