The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

50 TALKS TO MEN judgment passing upon the phenomena observ­ able by my senses see clear indication that the road to the right is the road to take, and again we have our little parley. Again I say to the guide: " I know that you have passed through this forest time and again, and that you never led a party astray, and I have great confidence in your judg­ ment on that account, but my reason and com­ mon sense passing upon the phenomena observ­ able by my senses tell me that the road to the right is the road to take. Now, I know that my reason and common sense are not infallible, but they are the best guide that I have, and I cannot throw them overboard." So again I go the way my reason and common sense passing upon the phenomena observable by my senses suggest. I go about half a mile, and then run up against an impassable barrier of rock, and have to go back and go the way the guide said. Suppose that this should happen fifty times, and every time the guide proved right, and my reason and common sense, passing upon the phenomena observable by the senses, proved wrong, do you not think that about the fifty-first time I would have rea­ son and common sense enough to throw my ever­ erring judgment to the winds and go the way the guide said ? This has been my exact experi­ ence with the Bible. Time and time again I have come to the parting of the ways, where the Bible said one thing and my reason and common sense seemed to say another, and, fool that I was,

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