WHY I BELIEVE THE BIBLE 58 out evidence, but He does demand that a man shall put himself in that moral attitude toward God and the truth that makes him competent to appreciate evidence. There is nothing that so clarifies the human mind as the surrender of the will to God. Some years ago I was lecturing to our students in Chicago on how to deal with skeptics and infidels. Our lecture room in Chi cago is open to all kinds and conditions of men, and oftentimes it is a motley crowd that gathers together-Christian and Jew, Roman Catholic and Protestant, believers, skeptics, infidels, ag nostics, and atheists. At the close of this lecture the wife of the late Dr. A. J. Gordon of Boston came to ._me and said: " Did you see the man sitting near me as you spoke? " I had noticed the man, because I had had some little conversa tion with him before. "Well," she added, "while you were speaking I heard him say, 'I wish he would try it upon me.' " " I would be glad to." "Well, there he is over in the comer." I did not need to go to him, for when the others had gone out he came to me and said: "Mr. Torrey, I do not wish to say anything discour teous, but really my experience contradicts everything that you have said to these students this morning." I replied: " Have you done what I told these students to get the infidel or skeptic to do, and guaranteed if they would do it they would come out of their doubt and unbelief into a clear faith in the Bible as the Word of God
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