TALKS TO MEN and Jesus as the Son of God? ., " Yes, I have done it all." "Now," I said, "let's be definite about this." So I called my secretary and dic tated something like this : " I believe that there is an absolute difference between right and wrong" (I did not say, I believe that there is a God, for this m·an was an agnostic, and neither affirmed nor denied the existence of God, and you have to begin where a man is), "and I hereby take my stand upon the right to follow it wherever it carries me. I promise to make an honest search to find if Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and if I find that He is, I promise to ac cept Him as my Saviour, and confess Him pub licly before the world." My secretary brought two copies of this, and I handed them to him and said : " Are you willing to sign this? " He re plied: " Certainly," and signed them both. He folded one and put it in his pocket. I folded the other and put it in my pocket. Then he added: "There is nothing in it. My case is very pecul iar." (His case was peculiar. He had been through Unitarianism, Spiritualism, Theosophy, and pretty much all other isms, and was now an out-and-out agnostic.) " Another thing," I added, " do you know that there is not a God? " "No," he said, "I don't know that there is not a God. Any man is a fool to say he knows that there is not a God. I am an agnostic ; I neither affirm nor deny." I said: "Well, I know that there is a God, but that won't do you any good.
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