The Bride and Its Christ Being Noonday Talks With Business …

TALKS TO MEN and Jesus as the Son of God? ., " Yes, I have done it all." "Now," I said, "let's be definite about this." So I called my secretary and dic­ tated something like this : " I believe that there is an absolute difference between right and wrong" (I did not say, I believe that there is a God, for this m·an was an agnostic, and neither affirmed nor denied the existence of God, and you have to begin where a man is), "and I hereby take my stand upon the right to follow it wherever it carries me. I promise to make an honest search to find if Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and if I find that He is, I promise to ac­ cept Him as my Saviour, and confess Him pub­ licly before the world." My secretary brought two copies of this, and I handed them to him and said : " Are you willing to sign this? " He re­ plied: " Certainly," and signed them both. He folded one and put it in his pocket. I folded the other and put it in my pocket. Then he added: "There is nothing in it. My case is very pecul­ iar." (His case was peculiar. He had been through Unitarianism, Spiritualism, Theosophy, and pretty much all other isms, and was now an out-and-out agnostic.) " Another thing," I added, " do you know that there is not a God? " "No," he said, "I don't know that there is not a God. Any man is a fool to say he knows that there is not a God. I am an agnostic ; I neither affirm nor deny." I said: "Well, I know that there is a God, but that won't do you any good.

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