56 TALKS TO MEN it again and again," he replied ; " I can quote parts of it to you if you wish to hear them/' "No," I said, "but I wish you to read it this time in a new way. Each time before you read offer this prayer, ' Oh, God, if there be any God, show me what of truth there is in the verses I am about to read, and what you show me to be true, I promise to accept and take my stand upon.' Now don't read too many verses at a time. Don't try to believe or disbelieve. Simply be open to conviction to the truth ; pay careful at tention to what you read; and when you have finished the Gospel report to me the result." " Yes," he said, " I wiH do it all; but there is nothing in it. My case is very peculiar." " Never mind," I said, and went over again the three things he had promised to do, and we sep arated. About two weeks after I was speaking on the South Side, and I saw this man in the hall. At the close of the meeting he came to me and said: "There was something in that." I replied: " I knew that before." "Well," he said, "ever since I have done what I promised I would do, it is just as if I had been caught up and was being carried along by the Niagara River, and the first thing I know I shall be a shouting Meth odist." I became a Methodist for the occasion. and said : " Praise the Lord J " I went East to lecture at some schools in Massachusetts. When I came back there was a reception, and this man was present at the reception, and he came to me
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