Internet Access and Use
Internet use, on the school’s time, is authorized to conduct school business only. Internet use brings the possibility of breaches to the security of confidential school information. Internet use also creates the possibility of contamination to our system via viruses or spyware. Spyware allows unauthorized people, outside the school, potential access to school passwords and other confidential information. Unauthorized access or “hacking” into the school’s network or systems or misuse of these Web pages will result in corrective action, up to and including expulsion for students, termination for employees and possible legal action. Email messages, Internet history and cookies, voicemail messages, documents created and stored on Levine Academy computers or Networks are the property of Levine Academy. Levine Academy reserves the right to access and monitor all files and messages on its systems.
Company Owns Equipment and Email
Keep in mind that Levine Academy owns any information within the Levine Academy network, hardware, communication sent via email or information stored on company equipment. Administrative staff members only have the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at any time. Approved authorization must be granted by the Head of School prior to accessing these things on a teacher’s or administrator ’ s computer. Please do not consider your electronic communication, storage or access to be private if it is created or stored on work systems or within the school network. If you leave the school for any reason, Levine Academy will require that you return the equipment on your last day of work. Levine Academy provides email addresses for its employees and uses email to communicate important school business information such as meeting notices, statutory and legal notices, company policies, and memos from the Head of School and other administrators. Each employee has the responsibility to read their email, including their Junk Email folder, as there are times when an email may fall into that folder and can go unnoticed if not periodically checked. If you do not have a Levine Academy email address, please notify your supervisor. In all matters related to an employee’s use of technology and accessing the school’s network, adherence to the Acceptable Use Policy, which is spelled out in the “Staff Agreement and Application for Ann & Nate Levine Aca demy Electronic Communication / Data Management Systems,” is required.
Wage or Salary Increases
Each employee’s hourly wage or annual salary will be reviewed on an annual basis. Such reviews may be conducted more frequently for a newly created position, or based on a recent promotion.
The school’s ability to offer increases in compensation are dependent on the school’s annual financial health, which may include meeting its enrollment goals for the upcoming school year; additional compensation factors may include performance, adherence to School policies and procedures, and ability to meet or exceed duties per job description and achieve performance goals (See Section3.9, Performance Review/Planning Sessions). Levine Academy ’s salary ranges, hourly wage schedules, and faculty pay schedules will be adjusted on an ongoing basis in order for the school to keep pace, as best it can, with compensation levels in schools in our region that are of comparable profile and size.
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