Employee Handbook 2022-2023


Ann and Nate Levine Academy takes its responsibility to the community seriously. We have developed a crisis management plan that will be instituted should any crisis related to military action or terrorist activity or any other significant emergency occur during the school day. Responses to such activities depend upon two key variables; 1) the nature of the act itself and 2) the amount of warning time involved.

Role of the Incident Commander

The Head of School serves as the Incident Commander. In the absence of the Head of School, the Director of Facilities and Operations will serve as Incident Commander. The Commander shall direct the school’s response during a time of crisis. Responsibilities include overseeing the daily life of the school, chairing all meetings of the crisis team, keeping the Information Center updated, chairing the evaluation process, and submitting final reports to the Crisis Team.

Role of the Crisis Team

The role of the Crisis Team is to assess the crisis and generate a plan that meets the emotional and academic needs of the school community via the coordination of counseling services and the alteration of the academic schedule.

Information Center

The role of the Information Center is two-fold: (1) provide a suitable location on campus where parents may receive up-to-date information about the crisis and revisions in the academic schedule and/or calendar and (2) disseminate crisis information to appropriate constituents through the phone team or written notice, as determined by the Crisis Team (see appendix). The Information Center is coordinated by the Head of School. All media will be denied access to the Information Center and directed to the Campus Media Spokesperson.


The Crisis Management Team will coordinate all on-campus counseling.

Levine Academy does not disclose information pertaining to any member of the school community to the media and strongly discourages any member of the school community from doing so. This policy includes all employees of Levine Academy. Media will not be permitted on campus during a crisis period. The Incident Commander and any attending law enforcement personnel will decide whether media presence is warranted or appropriate, at what time, and in what specific location. At the appropriate time the school will submit a press release.


If a parent chooses to keep a child at home due to a school crisis, the school office must be notified as in any regular absence. All make-up work is to be completed as outlined in the Parent Handbook.

Students Leaving Campus

Students will not be permitted to leave campus without parental consent during a crisis period.

Crisis Management Team


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